NISBRE Symposium

Dr. Edna Acosta

Dr. Edna Acosta presented her poster ""Advancing Health Equity: Building Strong Community-Academic Partnerships in Hispanic and Latino Communities of Puerto Rico"

2nd Place for best overall scientific poster

Undergraduate student Gerianne Olivieri-Henry mentored by Dr. Vanessa Sepulveda and Dr. Filipa Godoy and was awarded with the Second place for best overall scientific poster

Dr. Caleb Esteban

Dr. Caleb Esteban from Ponce Health Sciences University presented his poster " Metabolic Syndrome Risk among Hispanic Sexual Minorities in Puerto Rico".

UCC present at the symposium

Dr. Diana Fernández, Dr. Angel Mayor and Dr. Waleska Crespo. Dr. Mayor presented his poster presentation titled: Cancer incidence trends among people with HIV in Bayamón Puerto Rico: 2005-2019

UCC Dr. Waleska Crespo, Dr. Michelle Martinez- Montemayor, Dr. Carlos Luciano from the UPR-MSC and Dr. Diana Fernández from UCC attended the Symposium

Oral Presentation

Dr. Stephanie Dorta, made an oral presentation titled "Modulating the Oral Microbiota to Enhance Anti-Tumor Immune Responses in Oropharyngeal Cancer"

Dr. Carlos Luciano was panelist in the Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Research Workshop-Clinical Trials Best Practices. Where Dr. Sally Hodder was the Moderator. Other panelist included Dr. Clifford Rosen, Dr. Cecilia Shikuma and Dr. Timothy VanWagoner.

Ivette Molina, Alliance Program Administrator and Dr.Vanessa Sepulveda

Dr. Edna Acosta with Dr. Caroline Compretta, Principal Investigator of the Mississippi Community Engagement Alliance and Dr. Keyonna King, UNMC College of Public Health Director, Community Engagement and Outreach, Great Plains IDeA-CTR Network

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