
The Alliance Administrative Core provides the leadership, governance, organizational structure, and advisory support to develop, maintain and enhance Alliance activities supporting collaborative clinical and translational research.

The long-term goal of the Administrative Core of the Alliance is to provide a model for the optimal management and development clinical and translational research infrastructure in resource-limited settings that provide care to medically underserved populations.

  • Specific Aim 1. Provide an integrated organizational structure, leadership and advisory support system to effectively supervise, manage and monitor progress of all the Alliance KCA’s/Cores, leading to achievement of the proposed milestones.
  • Specific Aim 2. Develop and implement policies, procedures, and practices that ensure efficiency, sustainability, and scientific and fiscal flexibility to accommodate the changing needs and priorities of the Investigators, leading to new innovative and competitive areas of clinical and translational research.
  • Specific Aim 3. Provide timely financial, dissemination, communication and evaluation functions that promote expansion of innovative clinical and translational research and services and long-term sustainability of the Alliance.
  • Steering Committee (SC)
  • The Committee for Scientific Review and Prioritization (CORP)
  • Establish the Advisory Support: Internal and External Advisory Committee
  • Annual Two-Day Retreat/External Advisory Committee Visit: Thinking Back and Looking Forward
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Cost-Recovery System
  • Annual Scientific Conference

Our Services


Photo of Ivette Molina


787-759-0306 Ext. 231

Ivette Molina, MHSA

Program Administrator

Evangelia Morou, DDS, MS, PhD

Principal Investigator


787-759-0306 Ext. 228

Joselyn Gandía

UPR-MSC Coordinator
Magaly To


Tel: 787-787-8722

Magaly Torres, MS

UCC Coordinator


787-840-2575, Ext. 4253

Wanda Vega

PHSU Coordinator

AC News