The Alliance promotes students’ participation and individuals who collaborate on a voluntary basis without pay. This way, students and volunteers have the opportunity to gain experience in the field of clinical and translational research and may develop an interest in it.
The student or volunteer must present the “Formulario para Referir un Estudiante o Individuo Voluntario a La Alianza“, completed by the researcher who agrees to be his or her mentor during the period that you are collaborating voluntarily in The Alliance.
- Provide the training certificates (see guidelines)
If you are going to volunteer in the laboratory, dental area, or examination rooms (in contact with samples), you must provide the following certificates:
- Biosafety Training for Investigators, Staff, and Students Handling Biohazards
Regulated Biomedical Waste Management Training (in-person training) “Manejo de Desperdicios Biomédicos Regulados” (see guidelines for more information)
Occupational Exposure to Human Bloodborne Pathogens Training (in-person training) “Exposición Ocupacional a Patógenos Transmitidos por Sangre Humana” (see guidelines for more information)
- Proof of Hepatitis B vaccination
The student or volunteer must submit evidence of insurance against accidents with coverage during the time of collaboration in the facilities of the Medical Sciences Campus.
- Provide proof of having medical insurance
A signed confidentiality agreement
- Follow dress code agreement
- Submit the above documents to
- Take the Orientation for student or volunteer staff