Alliance Collaborators

Manos que cuidan: Taller interactivo de lengua de señas para profesionales de la salud

Por: Edna Acosta Pérez (Equipo CEO) y Evelyn Medina Bonilla (Creando Puentes) La Alianza Hispana de Investigación Clínica y Translacional bajo el liderato del Equipo Vinculación y Alcance Comunitario (CEO) y en colaboración con la Organización Creando Puentes ha desarrollado una serie educativa bajo el tema “Comunicación Efectiva con la Comunidad Sorda en Entornos de…

Centro Hispano Caribeño de Investigaciones Clínicas para ELA: Un Avance para Puerto Rico y el Caribe

A toda la Comunidad:                     Los estudios clínicos han demostrado su importancia para el entendimiento de las enfermedades, desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos y tratamientos con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas.   La Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad que impone una carga física y emocional a quien…

Trainees from Puerto Rico and the United States who completed the scientific research training program known as the "Cancer Prevention and Control Research Training Program" (CAPAC) at the UPR Comprehensive Cancer Center during the closing session of the 2024 cycle.

CAPAC Research Program at UPR Comprehensive Cancer Center Concludes Inaugural Session, Opens Applications for 2025 Cycle

The Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Puerto Rico (CCCUPR) successfully concluded the inaugural session of its scientific research training program, known as the “Cancer Prevention and Control Research Training Program” (CAPAC). “The CAPAC participants had the opportunity to present their findings from cancer research projects they worked on over the summer, under the…

New Education and Research Program at the UPRCCC!

The University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center (UPRCCC) is proud to announce its second NIH-sponsored cancer training program, the Research Education Program on Microbes, Infections, and Cancer (REPMIC), funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) with a grant of $1,853,572. This program is designed to train young Puerto Rican researchers in topics…

Strengthening Community Engagement and Support Through Capacity Building in Public Health

 The Puerto Rico Community Engagement Alliance (PR-CEAL), in collaboration with Castañer General Hospital, Inc. (CGH), has enhanced public health preparedness in rural areas of Castañer-Lares, Jayuya, Adjuntas, and Maricao. From October 2023 to June 2024, PR-CEAL impacted 150 participants through initiatives in clinical research, first responder support, and public health policy education. Capacity Building for…

Hospitales HIMA • San Pablo Recognizes Clinical Research Coordinator for 25 Years of Dedication in Puerto Rico’s Healthcare

Hospitales HIMA•San Pablo, collaborating institution of The Alliance, acknowledges its Clinical Research Coordinator Ms. Migdalia Arce-Calderón for her 25-years career in clinical research, as we celebrate Clinical Trial Month in May 2023. Born in The Bronx, NYC, Migdalia started her professional life as Assistant Administrator at a multiple-apartments building complex for 13 years. This experience…

Annual Convention of Health Center Leaders

“Juntos por la equidad y la acción social” August 18-20, 2022 Practice-Based Research Network Leaders participated in the “Centro de Salud de la Asociacion de salud Primaria de Puerto Rico” Annual Convention.     Drs. Enid García and Carlamarie Noboa were part of the panel ” Integrando la investigación clínica en ruta hacia la transformación…

New collaboration between the Alliance and San Juan Bautista School of Medicine

New Collaboration!

The Alliance Leadership is very pleased to announce a new collaboration with the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine (SJBSM). We are so excited about this collaboration that we have been working on for a while and was finally made official last June. From now on, we will share information, facilities, and resources to support the SJBSM faculty in the…