12th Scientific Day 2023

The Hispanic Alliance for Clinical and Translational Research (The Alliance) held its 12th Scientific Day on May 3rd, 2023. The theme for the plenary session was “Population Health After Disasters: Responses from the Scientific Community”. The activity was organized by the Professional Development Core. Since 2019, The Alliance’s Scientific Day is one of the main…

New cadre of certified mentors

  On May 4, 2022, the Professional Development Core (PDC) of the Hispanic Alliance for Clinical and Translational Research (Alliance) coordinated a Research Mentor training hosted by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER). This training was based on the evidence-based Entering Mentoring curriculum, which has positively impacted mentorship skills and…

Call for Abstracts- 2022 Scientific Day

 Submission Instructions It is the author’s responsibility to follow the Abstract Guidelines and instructions. The author of the selected abstracts should submit the PDF poster by April 27, 2022. It is a requirement for the author or co-author(s), to present in person their research at the assigned date May 4, 2022.  Abstracts thematic should be…

Semana de la Investigación Clinical y Traslacional de Puerto Rico 2021. Impacto Multidimensional del Covid 19. 3-7 de mayo de 2021. Separe estas fechas: Lunes 3, Apertura, conferencia magistral y aniversarios (pm). Martes 4- 10mo Simposio anual, Titulo V, plenaria y presentaciones. Miercoles 5- 10mo día científico, la alianza "Las investigaciones multidisciplinarias como respuesta al covid19, plenarias, carteles, premiaciones. Por la tarde-talleres integrados Titulo V y la alianza. Jueves 6 y viernes 7- 4th novel methodologies in health disparities research symposium- plenaria, presentaciones y carteles y clausura.

Semana de la Investigación Clínica y Traslacional de Puerto Rico 2021

Separe las fechas Lunes 3– Apertura, conferencia magistral y aniversarios (pm) Martes 4- 10mo Simposio Anual, Título V “Educación  para la Investigación y el Empresarismo durante la Pandemia”- Plenaria y presentaciones (am y pm) Miércoles 5– 10mo Día Científico, La Alianza “Las investigaciones multidisciplinarias como respuesta al COVID 19: Retos y logros”- Plenaria, carteles y…

CALL for ABSTRACT: 2021 Alliance Scientific Day: Multidisciplinary Research Responses to COVID 19: Challenges and Outcomes

An online event on: May 5, 2021, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM Submissions Instructions: Abstracts should be submitted in Spanish or English and will be accepted by electronic submission only. It is the author’s responsibility to follow the poster guidelines and instructions. It is a requirement for the author or co-author(s), to present their research…