Current events and projects

2022 Annual Retreat

On the 17th and 18th of November, we hosted the 2022 Annual Alliance Retreat at the Verdanza Hotel. The Alliance leaders presented their core updates in the morning session, followed by the External Advisory Committee (EAC) questions and advice. We also had the presence of some of our investigators, presenting their research projects, among them…

SJBSM 6th Interdisciplinary Research Virtual Symposium Video

SJBSM 6th Interdisciplinary Research Virtual Symposium

By: Estela S. Estapé MT, PhD, DHL Professor and Director, SJBSM Research Center San Juan Bautista School of Medicine On Thursday, February 24th, 2022, San Juan Bautista School of Medicine had the privilege to continue its tradition to sponsor the 6th Interdisciplinary Research Virtual Symposium with several of its students’ organizations. This year it included the…

Attendees Experience about the 2021 Alliance Retreat

The 2021 Alliance Retreat was a two-day event that brought together leaders, investigators, and support personnel from the partner’s institutions to report and evaluate our performance over the past year. The Alliance Internal and External Advisory Committees, and community members participated in this Retreat in a hybrid modality. Ninety-two individuals attended this Retreat, 62 in…

Call for Abstracts- 2022 Scientific Day

 Submission Instructions It is the author’s responsibility to follow the Abstract Guidelines and instructions. The author of the selected abstracts should submit the PDF poster by April 27, 2022. It is a requirement for the author or co-author(s), to present in person their research at the assigned date May 4, 2022.  Abstracts thematic should be…

Dr. Luciano, Dr. Fernandez, Dr. Cruz-Correa, Dr. Santiago and Ivette Molina

2021 Alliance Retreat

2021 Alliance Retreat   The Alliance Retreat was a two-day event that brought together leaders, investigators, and support personnel from the partner’s institutions to report and evaluate our performance over the past year. We had the participation of the Alliance Internal and External Advisory Committee in a hybrid modality. Over 50 people participated in person…

Semana de la Investigación Clinical y Traslacional de Puerto Rico 2021. Impacto Multidimensional del Covid 19. 3-7 de mayo de 2021. Separe estas fechas: Lunes 3, Apertura, conferencia magistral y aniversarios (pm). Martes 4- 10mo Simposio anual, Titulo V, plenaria y presentaciones. Miercoles 5- 10mo día científico, la alianza "Las investigaciones multidisciplinarias como respuesta al covid19, plenarias, carteles, premiaciones. Por la tarde-talleres integrados Titulo V y la alianza. Jueves 6 y viernes 7- 4th novel methodologies in health disparities research symposium- plenaria, presentaciones y carteles y clausura.

Semana de la Investigación Clínica y Traslacional de Puerto Rico 2021

Separe las fechas Lunes 3– Apertura, conferencia magistral y aniversarios (pm) Martes 4- 10mo Simposio Anual, Título V “Educación  para la Investigación y el Empresarismo durante la Pandemia”- Plenaria y presentaciones (am y pm) Miércoles 5– 10mo Día Científico, La Alianza “Las investigaciones multidisciplinarias como respuesta al COVID 19: Retos y logros”- Plenaria, carteles y…

CALL for ABSTRACT: 2021 Alliance Scientific Day: Multidisciplinary Research Responses to COVID 19: Challenges and Outcomes

An online event on: May 5, 2021, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM Submissions Instructions: Abstracts should be submitted in Spanish or English and will be accepted by electronic submission only. It is the author’s responsibility to follow the poster guidelines and instructions. It is a requirement for the author or co-author(s), to present their research…