SJBSM 6th Interdisciplinary Research Virtual Symposium Video

SJBSM 6th Interdisciplinary Research Virtual Symposium

By: Estela S. Estapé MT, PhD, DHL Professor and Director, SJBSM Research Center San Juan Bautista School of Medicine On Thursday, February 24th, 2022, San Juan Bautista School of Medicine had the privilege to continue its tradition to sponsor the 6th Interdisciplinary Research Virtual Symposium with several of its students’ organizations. This year it included the…

Yisel Cantres, PhD

Postdoctoral researcher received an NIH K22/R00 Award

Dr. Yisel M. Cantres-Rosario, a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Medicine, UPR-MSC received an NIH K22/R00 NINDS Advanced Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research, which will provide funding to continue her postdoctoral projects and initiate her own research program. The study focuses on how disrupted immunological responses contribute to the…

Pilot Projects Awardees

Pilot Projects Awardees

We are happy to announce the Alliance Pilot Projects Awardees for 2020-2021. This is the result of the 1st Call for Pilots, these projects are supported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences under the Award Number U54GM133807.   Dr. Marianela Rodríguez Reynaldo Mental health impact of the COVID-­19 pandemic on pregnant and postpartum women      …

Programa de Capacitación de Mentores

La Alianza Hispana de Investigación Clínica y Translacional Programa de Desarrollo Profesional (PDC)   Programa de Capacitación de Mentores   ¿Te gustaría capacitarte para ser mentor o mejorar tus destrezas como mentor? Los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH) están solicitando evidencia de adiestramientos como mentor. ¡Esta es tu oportunidad!   Para obtener más información…

The Art of Grantsmanship:

A comprehensive online course in grant development for new and early-stage investigators   Enrollment Eligibility: Be an early- to mid-career investigator Have received limited extramural funding within the previous 10 years of their career Has a research idea/project that reflects a transdisciplinary/ translational approach Has a terminal degree in their field with at least one degree…