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Regression Models for Correlated data

Speaker: Derek Bowden,
IRB Director ChristianaCare

Speaker: Alex Dmitrienko, PhD Founder and President of Mediana LLC.

Capacitación en el uso del programa de manejo de información geográfica QGIS

Recurso: Dr. Gonzalo Vázquez-Prokopec

Statistics, statistical thinking, and the IACUC

Speaker: Dr. Penelope Susan Reynolds

Biomedical Science and Artificial Intelligence In the time of COVID 19

Speaker: Dr. Abiel Roche

Power and Sample Size Determination

Speaker: Graciela Nogueras Gonzalez, MPH

What is your science storyline? How to write a stellar biosketch

Speaker: María González Pons, PhD

Download powerpoint

REDCap Fundamentals

Speaker: Magaly Torres, MS

The evolution of sequencing technologies and Applications

Special Lecture: Community-Based Research as the Foundation of Clinical/Translational Research

Uso de modelos multiniveles para entender la heterogeneidad entre estudios

New Big Data Source for Researchers The National COVID Cohort Collaborative N3C

Uso de redes sociales para el reclutamiento de participantes en estudios e investigacion

Implementation Science in Cancer Research

Omics applications to cancer studies

BERD & PDC Services

P value to Q value multiple comparisons

¿Qué es la Investigación Clínica?

English version

¿Qué preguntas debe hacer?

English version

Statistical Methods for Analysis of Repeated Measures

Etica en la Investigación Cualitativa

Integridad Académica en la Investigación

Científicos boricuas realizan investigación sobre medicamentos para el colesterol

Integración de los Diseños de Métodos Mixtos- Dra. Elsa M. Orellano

Understanding the Initiation of the Publishing Process

Methodologies for Health Disparities Research

Novell Approaches to understanding and addressing Health Disparities Research

Elements of a Biomedical Manuscriot for Publication

Submission, Review, Revision, Publication

Message from Dr. Eliseo Perez-Stable to PRCTRC Conference

Host-Microbe Interactions: New Insights

Simposium: Big Data- Panel A

Simposium: Big Data- Panel B

Qualitative research forum (Part 2)

Qualitative research forum (Part 3)

Qualitative research forum (Part 4)

Qualitative research forum (Part 1)

Systematic review and Meta-analysis workshop (Part 1)

Systematic review and Meta-analysis workshop (Part 2)

Basic statistical concepts to determine the minimum sample size and statistical power to assess statistical hypotheses

How to choose the best study design

Statistical analysis according to the study design

Formulating a research

Data collection instruments

Selecting the appropriate study design to address specific question