Dr. Yamixa Delgado selected for a fellowship award in translational sciences and data research

Dr. Yamixa Delgado Selected for a Fellowship Award in Translational Sciences and Data Research Congratulations to Dr. Yamixa Delgado, for being selected to receive the Fellowship Award offered by AIM-AHEAD and NCATS!  This competitive Fellowship is a collaborative program between the AIM-AHEAD consortium (Data Science Training Core and Communications Hub) and NCATS (National Center for…

Calling All Investigators Interested in Conducting COVID-related Research!

CALLING ALL INVESTIGATORS INTERESTED IN CONDUCTING COVID-RELATED RESEARCH!: The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): Calling All Investigators Interested in Conducting COVID-related Research! The Alliance’s Biomedical Informatics, Bioinformatics, and Cyberinfrastructure Enhancement Core (BiBEC) is part of the national IDeA-CTR network, whose activities include involvement with the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Data Enclave.  The Alliance has…

Researcher in a Computer looking at covid statistics

The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C)

During public health emergencies like COVID-19, science — and the process of turning observations into new therapies — must be translated faster than ever. Vast amounts of clinical data are being generated that could be used to advance research efforts focused on COVID-19. These datasets often become too large to share and the networks for…