Universidad Central del Caribe is one of the partner institutions in the Alliance. Founded in 1976 and is the first private medical school in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, is a health-sciences University with fully accredited academic programs in Medicine, Medical Images Technology, Biomedical Sciences, and Substance Abuse Counseling. UCC is home to several Centers actively involved in clinical and translational research at the institution including the Center for Molecular and Cellular Biology, the Center for the Study of Drug Addiction, and the Retrovirus Research Center.
PROJECT TITLE: MYELOID CELL CIRCUIT IN PRIMARY AND RECURRENT GLIOBLASTOMA TUMORS I conduct Brain Tumor Research Program at the Universidad Central del Caribe (UCC). In the framework of the program, I am involved in research mentoring of early career investigators, graduate and undergraduate students. Within the program, I conduct few active research projects based on…
Principal Investigator Project Title: ACCUMULATION OF AMYLOID-BETA PEPTIDES IN THE MYOCARDIUM I have a wide background in electrophysiology, molecular biology, and imaging. I did my physiology PhD in invertebrates, but in 1993, Dr. Stephen McMahon invited me to visit his laboratory, where I learned modern electrophysiological and imaging techniques in mammals. Since then, my interests have centered…
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR PROJECT TITLE: Delivery of Edelfosinethrough the blood-brain barrier using a transferrin-based delivery system for epilepsy CoPI: Yamixa Delgado, PhD Throughout my Ph.D., postdoctoral, and early investigator research work, I have received the academic and technical training to push forward successful scientific projects. My Ph.D. research training was in Neuroscience/Molecular Biology, specifically in the…