Supplement Titled: Association of Gut Microbiota with Alzheimer Disease in Puerto Ricans PI: Dr. Vanessa Sepulveda I am a Microbial Ecologist specializing in microbial community structure and function in humans and animals, integrating metagenomic data with ecology, physiology and bioinformatics. I am currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Microbiology and Medical Zoology, and my lab…
Supplement Titled: Association of Gut Microbiota with Alzheimer Disease in Puerto Ricans Co-PI: Dr. Filipa Godoy I am a Board-certified Internal Medicine and Geriatrics Physician, Professor of the School of Medicine of the Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico (MSC UPR). I supervise and mentor medicine students, IM residents and Geriatrics fellows on their…
Project Title Channeling the voice of underserved communities on nutritional insufficiency and unaddressed needs on maternal-infant health. I am a Professor and Director of the Center for Community Outreach for Health Across the Lifespan with over 15 years of experience in clinical research. My collaborative contribution is my expertise as a Physician scientist with strong ties…
Project Title: SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance across the island of Puerto Rico I have been a faculty member at the University of Puerto Rico since 2010. The diversity and beauty found in nature first sparked my interest in biology as a student, which ultimately led me to studying Heliconius here in Puerto Rico. I am also…