2023 PDC Mentor-Mentee Teams’ Program

The Mentor-Mentee teams’ program is designed to help new investigators develop partnerships, skills, and tools to be successful in obtaining external funding to support their careers as independent researchers. One Mentor-Mentee team will be selected. The team will have a maximum of two years of support, contingent on progress shown through follow-up meetings and written progress…

2022 Annual Retreat

On the 17th and 18th of November, we hosted the 2022 Annual Alliance Retreat at the Verdanza Hotel. The Alliance leaders presented their core updates in the morning session, followed by the External Advisory Committee (EAC) questions and advice. We also had the presence of some of our investigators, presenting their research projects, among them…

2022 RTOP Awardee

The Research Training Opportunity Program (RTOP) is based on a technology transfer strategy in which Alliance researchers participate in a two-stage training process.  Stage 1, the Alliance will fund one visit per year by an eligible Alliance investigator to travel to a host laboratory within a U.S. institution that has developed and standardized the desired emerging technology. The…

Research Nurses Barbara Guzman, Ladilima De Lima, Sheyla Garced, Robert Pinder

Alliance’s Research Nurses are Certified in Pediatric Advance Life Support

Congratulations to our research nurses, Bárbara Guzmán RN, MPH, Ladimila De Lima BSN, RN, Sheyla Garced RN, MS, and Robert Pinder RN, MSN for their outstanding performance and excellent test grades in the Pediatric Advance Life Support Course (PALS). PALS is an instructional course certified by the American Heart Association designed and developed primarily to educate healthcare providers responsible for treating or responding to an infant or child-related emergencies. A PALS certification course simulates pediatric emergencies to train students…

Respuesta multisectorial al fenómeno del suicidio en Puerto Rico

AUTORAS: Christine Miranda, PhD, Mentora COE- Universidad Central del Caribe; Glenda Ortiz, BS, Coordinadora COE- Universidad Central del Caribe; Edna Acosta Pérez, PhD, Líder COE- Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Ciencias Médicas La Conferencia “El Suicidio en Puerto Rico: Estrategias para la prevención en poblaciones específicas desde una perspectiva multisectorial”, se realizó el 17…

Congratulations to Dr. Harold Saavedra for Obtaining an R01

The Hispanic Alliance announces that Dr. Harold I. Saavedra, the PHSU co-leader of the Professional Development Core (PDC) obtained an R01 entitled Targeting centrosome‐mitotic kinases as a novel therapeutic approach against breast cancers in Hispanic/Latinas.  This is based on observations that Hispanic/Latinas with breast cancers have a poorer prognosis than non-Hispanic white women.  This poor mortality is…

The Harold I. Saavedra laboratory at PHSU is looking for a dynamic Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences. 

Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU), located in Southern Puerto Rico, specializes in studying health care disparities in Hispanic/Latinas.  To reduce these disparities PHSU currently holds three U54 institutional grants, including the U54 cancer Partnership between Moffitt Cancer Center and PHSU, RCMI, and the Hispanic Alliance (in collaboration with UPR-Ciencias Médicas and Universidad Central del Caribe). …