Romelinda Grullón: Conociendo al Consejo Comunitario de Salud e Investigación

¿Quién es Romelinda?  Romelinda Grullón Miguel, oriunda de La vega, República Dominicana posee un grado de Bachillerato en Psicología y un grado de Maestría en Administración en Trabajo Social de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico.  En su tesis de maestría investigó sobre la Aplicación de un Modelo de Empoderamiento en las Organizaciones de Base. …

New cadre of certified mentors

  On May 4, 2022, the Professional Development Core (PDC) of the Hispanic Alliance for Clinical and Translational Research (Alliance) coordinated a Research Mentor training hosted by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER). This training was based on the evidence-based Entering Mentoring curriculum, which has positively impacted mentorship skills and…

Alliance/HiREC Small Grant 2022

 Funding opportunity for small grants to leverage analysis of pre-existing large databases in Health Disparities and prevalent disease/conditions among Hispanics One small grant ($5,000) will be awarded to help the principal investigator:  to conduct data analysis using a large database to support new competitive proposals for external funding, and/or  to disseminate the results of large…