Grant Supplements Submitted

March and April 2021 proved to be very busy with the submission of several NIH supplements, each of them related to the SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19.  We highlight here four of these applications.  If awarded, these studies/projects will be supplements to our Alliance CTR “parent grant” U54GM133807 The first submission, titled “SARS-CoV-2 genomic…

2021 Call for Pilot Projects

Purpose The goal of the ALLIANCE Pilot Projects Program (PPP) is to increase the number of underrepresented scientists in clinical and translational research dedicated to the study of health conditions affecting a Hispanic population. The objective of the PPP is to increase the cadre of underrepresented minorities (URM), independent investigators, by advancing their development in…

Estudio poblacional del COVID-19 e Influenza en Puerto Rico

PREPCOVI (PUERTO RICO-EVALUACION EPIDEMIOLOGICA Y PREVENCION PARA COVID-19 E INFLUENZA)   PREPCOVI es una colaboración entre la Universidad de Puerto Rico, el Departamento de Salud  y empresas de telecomunicaciones para entender el COVID-19 e Influenza en Puerto Rico. PREPCOVI está reclutando aleatoriamente personas de 21 años o más en todo Puerto Rico y los participantes recibirán…