As part of the Alliance’s ongoing commitment to maintain compliance with NIH regulations, we want to inform you about several critical updates and reminders. The following are important requirements:

1. Acknowledge the Alliance’s Support

  • Remember to acknowledge the Alliance by including our current grant award number (U54GM133807) in each publication, presentation, poster, press release, patent, or other document.
    • Please use a statement such as: “Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number U54GM133807. A special thank you to the [Core/s Name/s]. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official view of the National Institutes of Health.”

2. Funds Distribution

  • IDeA funds CAN NOT be allocated to foreign countries and must be exclusively used within IDeA-designated territories.

3. Co-Authorships

  • Author Affiliations: Each co-author included in the article must clearly indicate their institutional affiliation and country. If this information was not included in your publication, we will need to contact you to request this key information.
  • Foreign Authors: It is permissible to include foreign authors in publications that acknowledge the Alliance grant award. However, if your publication acknowledged the Alliance award and includes foreign authors, we will need to provide additional information in our NIH Progress Report. Thus, we will contact you to explore which of the following statements applies:
      • The work described in this publication constitutes an intellectual collaboration only. No IDeA funds nor resources were exchanged, and the work conducted at the Foreign Site did not involve any Human Subjects nor Vertebrate Animal Research.”
      • The work described in this publication constitutes an intellectual collaboration only. No IDeA funds nor human subjects’ information, recruited at the IDeA program, were exchanged with the Foreign Site.”
  • Collaboration with Specific Foreign Countries: All publications that acknowledged the Alliance award and involve authors from Russia, North Korea, Cuba, and China must be reported to a higher NIH level.

4. NIH Public Access Policy Compliance

Since its creation in 2000, PubMed Central (PMC) has served as a free digital archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The final, published versions of NIH-funded articles are supplied to PMC only through publishers who have formal PMC participation agreements. NIH-funded author manuscripts must be submitted through the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) system. The submission process may be initiated by either an author or a publisher but must be completed by the author. Upon acceptance of a publication that acknowledged the Alliance grant award, please verify with the journal regarding their stance on the NIH Public Access Policy. All your publications must comply with NIH policies. If you need further assistance with this task, please contact Mariela Lugo Picó and review  Keeping Compliance with NIH Public Access Policy.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 787-759-0306 Ext 250/252.

How to obtain a PubMed Central Identification (PMCID)?

The PubMed Central identification (PMCID) is a unique number assigned to a work that is posted to PubMed Central (PMC), a free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) developed and managed by NIH’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

A PMCID is required for the demonstration of compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy for applicable works, three months post-publication and beyond, noted in NIH applications, proposals and progress reports. Anyone submitting an application, proposal, or report to the NIH must include the PMCID when citing applicable papers that they author or that arise from their NIH-funded research. Please access NIH Scientific Data Sharing for additional NIH Public Access Policy information.

The Alliance is encouraging all researchers to request and be in compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy. The Tracking and Evaluation Core (TEC) is available to help researchers with the PMCID request process for those publications that acknowledge The Alliance.

To provide you with better support as an Alliance Investigator, please submit the following to Mariela Lugo-Picó :

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