Application/Submission Specifications:
One small grant ($5,000) will be awarded to help the principal investigator: a) to conduct preliminary analysis using a large database to support new competitive proposals for external funding, or b) to disseminate the results of large database analysis, covering publication or travel costs to present findings in scientific meetings. Proposals should emphasize the development of a protocol or data analysis for clinical and translational research to examine the determinants of Health Disparities among Hispanics, preferably in one of the PRCTRC and HiREC research priority areas: 1) cancer, 2) HIV/AIDS, 3) neuroscience, 4) cardiovascular/metabolic diseases, 5) respiratory diseases, and 6) mental health. However, other Health Disparities topics related to our Hispanic population can be submitted. All proposed activities should be completed within 12 calendar months from the project start date.
Applications for this funding opportunity should include the following documents (numbered on the top left corner and in the same order as listed below):
1) Cover page — must include title of study, author’s name, academic degree, and affiliations, and a conflict of interest/disclosure statement.
2) Abstract— unstructured with no more than 300 words.
3) Budget and detailed budget justification (2 pages). Researcher should use the following budget form:, followed by the budget justification. Only direct funds can be budgeted. There are no funds for indirect costs (F&A), honorariums, & cost sharing. Consultant fees, publication costs and conference registration fees are allowed. Travel expenses with the purpose of presenting an abstract at a scientific meeting are allowed, but limited to domestic travel. Supplies directly related to the proposed study are allowed.
4) Biographical sketch(es). All key personnel and collaborators must complete and follow the current NIH format (OMB No. 0925-0001 and 0925-0002, available at
5) Research plan (max 4 pages). Following NIH structure. Including Specific Aims, Significance and Innovation, Approach (including brief description of the dataset and data collection methods, Analysis Plan, Strengths and Limitations).
6) Research Timetable (1 page).
7) Resource Sharing Plans, including data sharing, model organism sharing, and genome-wide association study (GWAS) if applicable.
8) If applicable, a paragraph describing how this project will lead the investigator to independent funding must be included.
9) Consultants – letters of support and Biographical sketch must be included (no page limits).