Volunteers play a crucial role in research studies, as they enable researchers to make new breakthroughs, discoveries, and treatments aimed at managing common diseases. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to attend a private meeting with the research team, where they will explain all the particulars of the study. Afterward, you can decide whether or not you want to participate.

Here are some studies that are presently seeking participants:


Enfermedad de Alzheimer autosomica dominante


Estudio Suceptibilidad al Covid-19 y los Estresores Asociados a la Pandemia

Estudio elaris EM-COC

Estudio CAMPO

Conocimiento, actitudes, y prácticas de los proveedores de salud mental hacia las poblaciones LGBTQ+ en Puerto Rico

El Riesgo del Sindrome Metabólico Asociado al Proceso de la Salida del Closet entre Personas LGB

Oppositional Defiant Disorder behaviors

Estudio de TOC Latino

¿Quieres ayudarnos a avanzar en la investigación del Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo (TOC) y contribuir a un futuro mejor para los latinos? Únete al estudio TOC Latino en la UPR- Recinto de Ciencias Médicas. Juntos, podemos avanzar en la comprensión de esta condición y mejorar la calidad de vida de quienes la padecen.
Instagram: bcm_latinoocd
☎️(787)758-2525 Ext. 3432, 3431, 3429

Menstrual health characteristics and education in adolescents from Puerto Rico

The menstrual cycle is a normal biological process experienced during decades of the lives of women and persons with a uterus, from menarche to menopause. Knowledge of the normal and abnormal features of the menstrual cycle is key for recognizing when potential conditions and disease processes could be present, prompting seeking medical care early when needed. With that purpose, we are conducting a study entitled: “Menstrual health characteristics and education in adolescents from Puerto Rico’, to assess the menstrual cycle’s features and the prevalence of menstrual cycle dysregulations and gynecologic health conditions among adolescents in Puerto Rico.

This study is from Dr. Idhaliz Flores-Caldera from the Ponce Research Institute, Women’s Health Division, in collaboration with Dr. Maricarmen Colon-Diaz from San Juan Bautista School of Medicine.

The rationale for this study is to fill a gap in the literature on this topic that will inform the Department of Health, medical professionals, and public policy stakeholders on the island about the needs of this population. This study involves the completion of an anonymous questionnaire that will be sent electronically via social media and text messaging. In the long term, we hope to collect essential data that will help to develop a curriculum about the menstrual cycle that is based on actual data from Puerto Rican teens and to promote better education and awareness in the general community about this topic that is associated with substantial stigma and taboos in our population.

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